Joshua Chen


I’m a PhD candidate in computer science at the Functional Programming Lab of the University of Nottingham, advised by Nicolai Kraus.

My current research involves the study of programming languages and logics known as homotopy type theories, and how we can use them to express, reason about, and compute with higher categorical structures that arise in mathematics, software, and physical systems.

Previously, I worked in machine learning and natural language processing at the Knowledge Discovery group at Fraunhofer IAIS, and on formalization and proof assistants at the Computational Logic group of the University of Innsbruck. Prior to that I majored in mathematics at the University of Bonn and the Australian National University.


Research & Publications



Notes, reports, etc.

Miscellaneous technical writing.



I have been tutor and/or teaching assistant for the following courses.

Organization & Service

Previous Work & Research

Formal Education